Panchakarma For Spine Problem

Spine Problems and Its Solution in Ayurveda Panchakarma
The Spine is the second core of your body. It connects your upper body to the lower part and transfers weight. The spine is a really important and delicate part of our body, 80 to 85 % of people report back problems once upon a time in their life And 10 to 15 % of sports injuries are contributed by the spine.
In today’s technologically advanced world we are losing our grip from our body, and long sitting hours, less physical activity, poor nutrition, improper position all are contributing to bad spinal health and restricted activity.
What is Spine:
The spine is situated in the backside of the back This bony structure starts from the base of the skull and runs down to pelvis. The spine is not a single bone but a collection of 33 small tiny bones stacked together like blocks and separated by discs (a shock absorber in between the bones to protect it from injury)
Spine Structure:
We can divide the spine into
- Bones (vertebras)
- Nerves (spinal cord)
- Discs (intervertebral discs)
If we see the spine from front/back, It seems straight.
When we see the spine from the side it is “s” shaped structure having two curves
Two forward bendings are:
- Cervical bending at the level of the neck region.
- Lumbar bending at the level of the lower back region.
Two backward bending:
- At the level of chest (thoracic)
- Hip area (sacral)
Along with these bony structures, the spine also deals with the spinal cord as a part of the central nervous system and nerves exiting it as part of peripheral nervous systems.
The spinal cord is a tube-like structure runs through the vertebras is nothing but the bundle of nerves, which is very vital for the functioning of the body and controls the motor function (control over the muscle its movements and strength) and sensory (senses like touch pain hot and cold etc.) functions. These nerves exit the spinal canal in pairs 31 in total. And form the part of the peripheral nervous system.
Third and most important part of the spine is intervertebral disc, they are the fibrous tissue filled with gelly like substance act as a great shock absorbers preventing two vertebras to colloid with each other and thus damaging the spine. Anatomy of these vertebras is very important as they play a very vital role in many diseases.
The disc is made up of two important tissue outer fibrous tissue and inner gelly which give its cushioning effect and absorb the impact of the injury, the problem starts when this outer fibrous tissue gets weakened and this gelly starts protruding out and start compressing the spinal cord going through the vertebral canal generally known as sciatica, cervical or IVDP (intervertebral disc prolapse)
Spine function:
Spine serves three functions
- Protection :- spine provide protection to
– Spinal cord
– Internal organs
– Nerve roots - Mobility: – The spine is a highly flexible structure and performs a various range of motions hence making human life easy and more productive.
- Support and balance: – Because of its flexible nature and rugged structure spine help to maintain an upright posture. It also transfers the weight of the upper body to the lower body.
Common spinal problems :
- Abnormal kyphosis and lordosis: – as we discussed, the spine has its own two curvatures lordosis and kyphosis. When these two curves either more or less in its depth may cause many problems and known as abnormal kyphosis and lordosis.
- Scoliosis: – in its anatomy we understood that when seen from the front or back spine is straight. but when it bends to one side it is called scoliosis.
IVDP (intervertebral disc Prolapse):-
This is abnormality of the disc and when disc loses its normal shape and gets compressed it is known as the IVDP.
Sciatica: – when these compressed discs as discussed in the above case start compressing over the sciatic nerve has its origin in l4 l5, l5 s1 vertebrates. The condition is known as sciatica which might be really painful.
Lower back pain: –
All the pains in the lower back are known as lba and may be caused by so many reasons.
Cervical spondylosis :-
This condition where slip disc occurs at the cervical region of the back and compresses the nerves of that area is known as cervical spondylosis.
Osteoarthritis of spine :
Where vertebrates rub against each other is known as the osteoarthritis of the spine.
Tuberculosis of Spine :
If the tuberculosis happens in the spine it is known as the tubercular spine.
Ankylosing Spondylosis
This very dreaded disease is linked to the gene HLaB27. Where you get the bamboo spine as a complication.
Ayurveda and Panchkarma in spinal problems :-
Spinal diseases are almost always very severe and serious in nature even after so many technological advancements modern science has its limitations in nurturing these diseases. Ayurveda in the other hand with its tools like Panchkarma and medicines has an important role to play in this field.
Ayurveda classifies the diseases depending on the symptoms and presentation either Vata dominated pathology, pitta dominating pathology or Kapha dominating pathology.
Most of the problems in the spinal area are either bone-related or the nerves related which is dominated by the Vata dosha in Ayurveda treatment which gives us tremendous results. Some of the panchakarma in this area are basti (anuvasana and niruh), Nasyam, Virechan, Local Abhyangam, CPS, PPS, Rakta Mokshana and agni karma.
In our centre, we have specially designed panchakarma programs for the spinal problems which are result oriented and time tested.